Just wanted to share our trip to the desert east of Christmas Valley, OR In July. We were on a mission to find an old A-6 plane wreckage site, after failing last year. The turn off from the highway east of Christmas Valley is marked with an old boot on a post, where you have to open a cattle gate. Then it’s about 8 miles off road driving to get where you park to start walking to the site. There is a very steep and rugged “road” that goes up the side of the bluff, which Cory drove the Jeep up, but my parents had to park at the bottom (see the left of the following photo). Definitely need a high clearance 4WD vehicle.

At this point it’s about a mile hike to where the plane wreckage debris is.....which is spread out over about a half mile or maybe more. Be careful, on our way back we did find a rattlesnake hiding in a brush (it was in the evening when it was cooling down).

It was sad and exciting to be here, since 2 young men lost their lives.

We ended up camping about a mile away from the A-6 parking area and it ended up being a beautiful spot! The sunset was amazing......

In the morning I took a photo of where we camped......I actually really enjoyed this campsite.

It was really a fun trip and we are so glad we went back to try again! I have coordinates and even routes to share if anyone wants them.
We we also made a little YouTube video about the adventure. This is just a hobby so it’s not a professional video by any means.......
-Cory and Julie
Very cool! I need to get down there one of these years
I've been in the area, but never to the spot. Very cool. Thanks for the post.