Hello All, I've been away for a few years, but am back!
I love my Hefty Fab front bumper, plating & sliders. It's time for a rear bumper.
I have two designs I like, but both fabricators are prohibitively far away, one in BC, but border and shipping is not so easy now. I would way rather give my money to someone in the NW. I know about what is now Metal Tech 4x4 in Newberg, OR. Are they REALLY the ONLY ones around here who could take examples and make something? Anyone else have a local shop make them rig parts? THANKS!

Private message me, I have a contact for you if Prepped Overland can't meet your timeline.
PreppedOverland.com has a full time fabricator, makes custom bumpers and loves Nissans. MetalTech has their own line of production bumpers. I don't think they do fab and installs anymore. They do great work though.