Having owned a few watercraft I'm familiar with using Starboard for misc. modifications. It's readily available and easy to work with. When I started making adjustments to my 4Runner I found that Starboard came in handy for bushings on a variety of things. When I was gifted a set of Overland Equipped ladder steps. I crafted bushings using 3 small squares of Starboard, clamped together and drilled as shown. When mounted to the ladder the step stays in place and doesn't screw up the ladder finish. This project takes just a few minutes and costs less that 5 bucks (steps not included.) Note that the hole for the cross bar on the ladder is offset to the front to match the ladder crossbar placement. I eyeballed it and it came out perfect. That's kind of the way I do things....

very kewl! I will have all the parts in hand in a cpl weeks. it's been crazy here lately. I finally got the light weight wt 6inch caps thursday from suplier. Should have pipe and fittings soon. Thanks for offer, I'll keep you informed
Mark, if you just need a cradle for the pipes you could definitely fab something up from Starboard... if you need ideas shoot me a few photos, I love to solve problems...
kewl beans! I wonder if you can glue it to PVC pipe? Got to thinking I may have to fasten my 6inch pipes by splitting a smaller pipe and glueing on either side where they touch. I really dont want to use wood to fasten them.
You can get 1 1/2 in White at TAP Plastic
Here's a photo of the mounts I made for my Jame Baroud tent and Gobi crossbars. These help space the tent above the rack so it doesn't rattle by hitting the rack. They also make the mounting more secure on the round crossbars. The thicker stuff doesn't come in black....bummer.
HMMMMM! I can think of many many aplications for this in my future! How thick does it come in? I need to make some cradles to seperate and align some 30 inch pieces of 6 inch PVC tubing for water tanks for top rack on my Jeep. I want to stack two pcs on either side of my spare tire for drinking and shower. drinking will stay white and shower will get painted flat black. Apx 14 gals of water. 10 ft of 6 inch pipe total.
Starboard is available at TAP plastic. You can have it cut to size, then drill it for your application.
I saw "King Plastic" as one of the links, but didn't go there as the name didn't match. Thanks for the link.
It's just a brand name of HDPE sheet:
Do you have a link to the company's website? I tried looking on line but didn't find anything obvious with "Starboard Bushings."
Looks good!