Its that time of the year when dreams of skiing the deep fluffy stuff start to appear. So comes the planning for Skifari.
What is Skifari? Its a cheap ski bum road trip. We ski one resort, drive to the next one and camp in the parking lot, have a fire and tell lies for a few hours before we crash and repeat the process. We have everything from RV's, Tacoma's, and little Subaru's, everyone finds their own way to sleep in the lot. Its a ton of fun, we have made some great friends over the years, and always look forward to the next year. So lets make this year another great one! It will be the 6th running at this point I think.
Sound like fun? Join in! Open to absolutely anyone who likes to ski or snowboard and has a good attitude. Post here, send me a PM whatever, I will get in touch with more details as needed!
This years plan is the powder highway! We have done bits and pieces, but not the whole thing.
The dates will be February 16th-24th, A couple transit days where we can stop for food, showers or whatever.
Day ,1 Saturday the 16th: Drive to Red Mountain (7 hour drive time from N Seattle)
Day 2, Sunday the 17th: Ski Red, Transit to Whitewater (1 hour drive)
Day 3, Mon 18th: Ski whitewater
Day 4, Tuesday 19th: Rest day, transit to Revelstoke (4 hour drive) The pool in Revy is nice and has showers etc.
Day 5, Wednesday 20th: Ski Revy, Drive to Kicking Horse (1 hour drive)
Day 6, Thursday 21st: ski Kicking Horse
Day 7, Friday 22nd: Ski Kicking Horse, Transit to Fernie (4 hour drive)
Day 8, Saturday 23rd: Ski Fernie
Day 9, Sunday the 24th: high tail it back home (9 hours to north Seattle)
2019 route:

From last year's trip.

I am trying!
Gabe! You're here!