Hey everyone! New member here, I’ll say hi in that thread as well.
I was hoping to squeeze in a mellow overnight this weekend, and was just wondering if anyone has any intel on some warmer areas that are open this early and not snowbound. Preferrably within 3 hours of Seattle. I’ve done a decent amount of exploring on forest roads but nothing super technical, and I’ll be in a mostly stock 4Runner TRD Offroad, for reference.
Any tips would be awesome! Thanks!
FR 11 and 12 up in the Baker Lake complex provide some great views but fewer camp opportunities. 1107 is still listed as closed as of last Friday.
Thanks! Ever been up NF-1107 by Baker Lake? I was wanting to do some campsite recon up there at some point, looks like it's close to FR-17 so I could probably kill two birds. The spot I wanted to scope out is about 3800 feet so hopefully it's not snowy.
Hi Jesse - I think John is on the right track. We spend a fair amount of time east of Mt Vernon. Here's a route that stays below 3500 Ft. Finney Creek has some nice campsites as well, but you'll have to enter FR 17 on east side off Hwy 530. There's a washout 13 miles s of the S Skagit Hwy entrance.
Looks like the snow line is at about 5000' or so (based on Sugarloaf Peak on Sunday), which means shaded areas lower may still have snowpatches that can really put a stop to a simple trip. You can probably find a lot of roads/areas that don't climb too high, and of course getting turned around is half the fun when you find that big patch. North, you may try Suittle River area, or maybe head over to the Olympics