Backpacking in a 4x4? Less sweat & exertion, but often more dust... I was "car camping" from a truck long before I heard the title "overlanding" applied to what we do. Also the Marines, oddly enough, introduced me to using a four-wheel drive vehicle to traverse the desert. Found I really enjoyed!
Am so glad I found NWOL!

So much of the west requires something more than the average mini-van to reach...

Amazing places, great people and cool vehicles are all part of overlanding.

I see four kids here with the spud gun:

Exploring remnants of earlier times:

Or this 1880's Montana ranch headquarters that is still in use:

Campfires with good folks:

Cooking, eating and laughing with good friends and family:


Some pretty amazing scenery:

I may not have defined it well, but I think I showed what overlanding means to me.
Helps define why we all overland!